About Eric Artrip

Eric Artrip is a partner at Mastando & Artrip. Mr. Artrip represents individuals injured both economically and physically. He has worked on personal injury cases in counties throughout Alabama and Tennessee and class actions in California, New York, Ohio, Illinois, Alabama, North Carolina and Mississippi.

If you are in a wreck, a lot of “bad” can happen. In the most general sense, wrecks cause property damage and personal injury. However, there are other problems where money will be paid as reimbursement. With proper legal help, you may be compensated for some resulting damages. The one immediate issue in almost every…

Story reprinted from WHNT. Read the story and see video here: http://whnt.com/2016/01/26/sparkman-rape-bait-case-prepares-for-trial/ According to court documents, in 2010, a 14-year-old girl with special needs referred to only as “Jane Doe” was asked by Sparkman Middle School administrators to agree to have sex with a young boy after she accused him of sexually harassing her. The plan…

Who Can You Sue Without Alienating the Rest of the Family? No one said anything about it, but we knew she did it. No big deal. We all forget from time to time. And besides, leaving the turkey out all night wasn’t that bad, right? Wrong. Three days spent shaking and sweating. That upstairs hall…

“Tom, Honey? What’s this $7. 26 charge on our bill?” Ever happen to you? What’s the first thing you did? Probably picked up the phone with the corporation and asked for an explanation. Is This a Legitimate Charge? Now, there are two possibilities, either the charge is legitimate or not. Either the corporation can convince the customer that they…

Buying and selling stocks is a funny business. We all imagine the proverbial smoke-filled rooms where older men trade insider information on companies like baseball cards. We fear that these folks know more than we do. We are afraid that they use closely-held to give them advantages over the rest of the great unwashed when…

“Tom, wake up! A car just hit the house!” Actually, it wasn’t a car. The new mining conglomerate just picked an early hour for setting off its first detonation at the new mine less than a mile from Tom and his wife’s house. The Polite Thing To Do: Ask For Them To Stop What can…

To paraphrase an old motorcycle rider axiom, “there are only two types of drivers, those who have been in an accident and those who are going to be an accident period.” This is not 100% accurate, but the simple fact of it is that with millions of miles driven each day Americans get into their…

Ice on sidewalks and in parking lots is a hazard that causes thousands of falls each year. Most of these falls result in little more than wet pants, a bruised bottom and embarrassment. But some of these can be serious. If a person hits her head, for instance, then she can have a concussion, which…

January 22, 2010:  A 14-year-old girl was raped in the boys’ bathroom at Sparkman Middle school by an older boy with a history of sexual and violent misconduct. Prior to the rape, June Simpson, a teacher’s assistant, had reported to the Principal, Ronnie Blair, that the boy was asking girls to meet him for sex…

Student’s rape was direct result of school policy that punished sexual harassment only if the harasser was “caught in the act” Mastando & Artrip, LLC and The National Women’s Law Center (NWLC) filed a brief in the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit against the Madison County School Board and school officials…

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