The U.S. Department of Justice announced a record $5.69 billion in settlements and judgments from civil cases involving fraud and false claims against the government in fiscal year 2014. Of this total, the government paid out $435 million to the whistle blowers who exposed fraud and false claims by filing a qui tam complaint —…

FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler is circulating newly-minted draft rules for regulation of the Internet.   He proposes to use some old-school utility regulation to keep the large infrastructure companies (read:  cable and phone companies, like Comcast, Verizon and AT&T) from slowing down content on the Internet for their own competitive and monetary advantage. What this means…

  Gas prices at the pump have dropped by half.  A year ago gasoline hovered around $4 per gallon in North Alabama — now it’s crashed below the $2 mark.  Filling the tank has gotten a lot less painful, and I find myself driving more because of it.  Since the average US household uses around…

In Tony Mastando’s presentation you’ll learn the technical aspects you need to know about the False Claims Act. We’ve also included this simplified and helpful PSA video from TAF Education Fund to give you all the information you need about whistle blowing and your protections under the False Claims Act. Symposium Presentation On False Claims…

Anyone with a fax machine or fax account has received them – ads for vacations in Orlando, Las Vegas or Cancun; the latest mortgage rates and refinancing options — fabulous offers all!  Like autumn leaves, they fall from paper fax machines or clog the gutters of online fax accounts.  Some ads are legit.  Others, not…

The Plaintiff and her attorneys are disappointed with the statements made earlier today by the Madison County Board of Education. The Board stated how hurtful the media reports have been to the administrators involved and to the Madison County School system, but did not accept responsibility for the failed policies that caused this tragic situation….

January 22, 2010:  A 14-year-old girl was raped in the boys’ bathroom at Sparkman Middle school by an older boy with a history of sexual and violent misconduct. Prior to the rape, June Simpson, a teacher’s assistant, had reported to the Principal, Ronnie Blair, that the boy was asking girls to meet him for sex…

At the end of the day, there are a number of things which separate us from the beasts of the field: opposable thumbs, the ability to eat both meat and vegetables, and, of course, complex litigation. When a Legal Matter Becomes Complex A legal matter becomes “complex” when multiple people are suing one defendant. This…

What is a Hostile Work Environment? A hostile work environment means miserable, unproductive employees. Harassment can be oral and/or physical, often involving rude behavior, unwanted advances or inappropriate touching. To be considered “hostile” the situation must be so difficult in your workplace that it substantially affects your ability to do your job. It can also…

If You Were Injured in an Accident:  The Sacajawea of the Law You were seriously hurt in an accident. You are about to embark on a journey of recovery – physically, mentally, emotionally and financially. In addition to your medical treatment, this journey may take you through the insurance claims process and possibly the court…

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